BTC Ecstasy PINK 300mg to visit your best world

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wellesley88 (38)
Trust Level 1 Trust Level 1
Sold 4 times since January, 7 2022
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country Worldwide
Quantity Left Unlimited Ships to United States, Worldwide
Payment Escrow Category Ecstasy

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Purchase Price: 9 USD
0.05583123 XMR


BTC Ecstasy PINK 300mg to visit your best world

hello mr Wellesley just opened, this is why we start with our 300mg ecstasy which is enough to take anyone to travel the world of your dreams, for use it is smokable or to be used with a bong and nasally, please start slowly as they are very potent, to maximize the welles high We come from Europe, we currently have a network of the same products, this is why we want it to be beneficial to all and to ensure quality at the highest level.We will be able to offer you packaging and shipping to the best of their ability to ensure discretion, you will receive a letter from an organic food company with totally sober and discreet plastic sleeves, where your jewelry will find , so each letter will be provided with its tracking number, for 3 to 14 working days, be reassured by knowing our method of sending, vacuum-packed, with envelopes that protect the interior from the sight of x-rays, discover a unique packaging are kind by opening the envelope for a maximum reliable sending
And as you can unfortunately see customs have gotten pretty good in some countries like UK which is why we no longer ship to UK. If you are ordering for the UK without reading this, please don t be upset that we have canceled your order.DO NOT MESSAGE US TO ASK SENSITIVE QUESTIONS UNLESS YOUR PGP IS CONFIGURED BECAUSE WE WILL NOT ANSWER.


Please send message to us when there is any dispute, surely we can fix the problem, because we want to have the best time during search and consumption.

1 ecstasy = 9 dollars              15 ecstasy = 135 dollars
2 ecstasy = 18 dollars              20 ecstasy = 180 dollars
4 ecstasy = 36 dollars
6 ecstasy = 54 dollars
8 ecstasy = 72 dollars
10 ecstasy = 90 dollars

know from a purchase to benefit from our loyalty card offered where you can accumulate 5 points in order to benefit from 3 pills offered or 15%  reduction, as well as a sponsorship offer, for a person to sponsor and following a purchase by indicating by whom to accumulate 3 point lead

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer
Positive 10 - 20 USD April 30, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 Took a while to get here but seller had good communication and followed through
Trust Level 1
Positive 10 - 20 USD March 15, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 Came as quickly as was reasonable, good stealth, and gave me an extra! Definitely recommend.
Trust Level 1
Positive 35 - 70 USD February 26, 2022 5 | 4 | 4 Vendor very courteous and responsive. Stealth is good. Pills not as strong as I expected, but I think I have a low sensitivity to MDMA.
Trust Level 2

Refund Policy

Mr. Wellesley, agrees against any possible problem, we will refund you the entirety of your purchase as well as a return of the same quantity ordered, during 2 returns following one another, a commission of 50% thus in accumulation for several abuses back. Besides, Mr Wellesley will be happy to give you what suits you best.

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