Deep East YS11 - Indoor - 1 lb

Purchase Listing

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growerdirect (2443)
Trust Level 5 Trust Level 5
Sold 7 times since June, 29 2022
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country United States
Quantity Left 7 Ships to United States
Payment Escrow Category Buds & Flowers

To-From pounds To-From Price Discount
5 - 999999 5500 - 1099998900 USD-5.00%

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 1100 USD
7.08763 XMR


Deep East YS11 - Indoor - 1 lb

RS11 x Y Life bx1 phenotype 154

Color: 6/10 - Mix of Colors
Nose: 6/10 - Citrus, Creamy, Gassy
Potency: 7/10 - Relaxing Head High
Structure: 8/10 - Dense Nugs, Average Trim
Bud Size: 7/10 - Healthy Bud Size

Despite its indica-like look, YS11 is a sativa-dominant hybrid and has been reported by consumers as aiding in creativity and conversation while increasing interest in philosophical topics. Some enjoy YS11 for its potential in relaxing both body and mind as muscles are released of tension and stressful thinking comes to a halt.

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer
Positive 1000+ USD September 27, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 8k spent this order alone. Released Escrow Immediately. That should be all you need to know about this vendor.
Trust Level 3
Positive 1000+ USD September 11, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 Fast shipping and great product, highly recommend!
Trust Level 2
Positive 1000+ USD July 14, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 VERY dense nugs, and description was accurate. top tier stealth as always. very happy with ship time and value for the price!
Trust Level 1
Positive 1000+ USD June 30, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 Looks beatiful!, smells good not too strong. Will see how it hits
Trust Level 3
Positive 1000+ USD June 13, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 great weed awesome spicey stelath will be back
Trust Level 3

Refund Policy

* If your package does not arrive due to an error on our end, we will offer a refund or reship at no charge.
* If your package is not delivered due to an issue with the carrier, we will offer a 50% refund or a one time reship for 50% cost. However, we will require an alternate address for your reship, as your address may have been compromised.
* If your package is marked as delivered by the carrier and confirmed by tracking number, unfortunately we are unable to provide a refund or reship.
* If you make a mistake and enter an incorrect or invalid address or is returned to sender, unfortunately we are unable to provide a refund or reship. Please double check that you have entered a valid address when submitting your order.
* We will make every effort to complete your order safely and discreetly, so please reach out to us if there are any issues.

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Read more detailed reviews and interactions of the vendor with his customer base at our AlphaBay Forum. It is a great way to connect with active vendors and buyers alike, share your experiences or reviews, learn a new skill or have a laugh.

Private sub-communities with only verified users are also available for hacking, malware and fraud while the drugs community has their own set of categories to discuss substances and safety usage A-Z.

The more responsive and professional a vendor is on the Forum, the higher chance you will have a good experience with his/hers services and/or products.

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About Vendor shelldrugs

Welcome to our AlphaBay shop. We strive to provide our products at competitive prices and with excellent customer service. Everything is grown in house and we try to provide honest and accurate descriptions of our products. We were an active vendor with White House Market and CannaHome until their retirement.

Make sure you read and understand all the following information before
making a purchase. If you have any issues or questions, please feel free to
contact us, and we will do our best to resolve any concerns.

* All products are direct from our grows, with no middlemen or extra markup.
* All of our listngs provide honest, objective scoring of the product, including factors such
  as color, smell, structure, density, and size.
* If there are specific issues with the product (such as seeds), it will be prominently displayed, and the price discounted accordingly. Be sure to acknowledge any issues before purchasing.
* You are welcome to ask questions about how a particular product was grown, such as lights, nutrients, medium, etc. but for security reasons any questions that would reveal our locations or identities cannot be answered.

* We only ship from the United States to the United States.
* All orders placed are shipped either the same day or the next business day.
* We only provide one shipping method, and that is stealth USPS Priority. This is for our protection and yours.
* Tracking numbers are only provided for specific circumstances. This is for our protection and yours.
* If you are having difficulty finding your order within our stealth packaging, keep looking, it's there.
* For security reasons, we reserve the right to upgrade shipping to a private courier (UPS/FedEx) depending on your destination address. There will be no extra charge.

* If your package does not arrive due to an error on our end, we will offer a refund or reship at no charge.
* If your package is not delivered due to an issue with the carrier, we will offer a 50% refund or a one time reship for 50% cost. However, we will require an alternate address for your reship, as your address may have been compromised.
* If your package is marked as delivered by the carrier and confirmed by tracking number, unfortunately we are unable to provide a refund or reship.
* If you make a mistake and enter an incorrect or invalid address, unfortunately we are unable to provide a refund or reship. Please double check that you have entered a valid address when submitting your order.
* We will make every effort to complete your order safely and discreetly, so please reach out to us if there are any issues.

* We strongly suggest you use a real name and address. Using fake names doesn't fool anyone and makes your carrier suspicious, which draws unnecessary attention to you and to us. If you are concerned about your privacy or security, invest in a building a drop, buy a fullz, or hire a mule.
* Encrypt all communications with us using our public key, especially sensitive information such as your name and address. Provide your public key so that we can reply with any sensitive information.
* Do not ask us for any contact information, personal information, or to meet in person.
* Destroy all packaging after receipt. We irreversibly destroy all of your order information after delivery.
* If there are specific circumstances and you get a tracking number, do NOT check tracking from your home, business, or on Tor. It will only draw more attention to you and to us. Use a public terminal on a public network, or use a secure commercial tracking app over a VPN.

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Professional Drug Checkers is AlphaBays own proactive harm reduction program. Being the first of its kind through verified, anonymous and independent volunteers the program checks based on reports and/or at random vendor listings. We verify both through reagent test kits and laboratories, available information on both can be found in the relevant reviews below.

While we take into consideration claims of purity, chemicals used and other things like e.g. carts being counterfeit or not, the main focus is correct labelling particularly for fentanyl and analogues. As such that is the biggest potential hazard to buyers safety and as a marketplace we strongly believe all vendors must clearly label if their products contain any of it.

AlphaBay is the premium number one darknet marketplace and part of our philosphy to stay that way is focusing on repeat long-term business, a key point is effective harm reduction. If you would like to join head out to our Forums to apply to be a professional drug checker and help out your community.

Note: None of the reviews are endorsements in any way and we are not to be held responsible for any discrepencies or errors. Always do your own research and due diligence.

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