100g Sweet Lemon Hash drysift

Purchase Listing

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cannabel (292)
Trust Level 3 Trust Level 3
Sold 0 times since December, 8 2021
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country Germany
Quantity Left Unlimited Ships to Worldwide
Payment Finalize Early (FE) Category Hash

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 797.16 USD
4.9329217392 XMR


100g Sweet Lemon Hash drysift

Sweet Lemon's genetics stems from the ever famous Amnesia Haze & Lemon Skunk. Its a 60/40 Sativa dominant strain.

The texture is very typical for dry-sift hash. It breaks off in chunks and quickly turns into powdered kief without much work. It's awesome for making joints fast. The smell and taste are citrusy and sweet, but with the presence of more earthy and complex elements as well.

The high itself is heady and creative. It makes for a good daytime smoke for when you have stuff to get done. In large amounts, you can still end up with a couchlock though.

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer

Refund Policy

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About Vendor shelldrugs

August 5, 2022 - we are back from vacation!


Cannabel consists of a group of multi ethnic women with different age and background. Almost all of us graduated and have extensively experienced the benefits of cannabis. This applies to both medical and recreational use.
Through our platform we aim to give as many people as possible access to high quality cannabis. We have committed ourselves to the following principles.

1. Best product quality
2. Selected high quality varieties
3. Strictest security standards in communication
4. Highest security standards for shipping
5. Best specialist advice
6. Best exchange of information on medical issues
7. Exceptional price / performance ratio

A truly satisfied customer in the long term is more important to us than a short term profit.

In the case of medical problems in particular, our team will always endeavor to propose individualized medication based on modern science.
But also for recreational use we are always ready to propose a certain variety of the highest quality individually. Based on our many years of experience, we can say that many customers know what suits them better.
The satisfaction of our customers is the yardstick by which we want to be measured.
Unser Team von Cannabel besteht aus einer Gruppe multiethnischer Frauen aus verschiedenen Altersgruppen und unterschiedlicher Herkunft. Fast alle von uns haben einen akademischen Grad erworben und verfuegen ueber ausserordentliche Erfahrung mit dem Nutzen von Cannabis. Das gilt sowohl fuer die medizinische Nutzung als auch fuer den Freizeitgebrauch.  
Ziel unserer Plattform ist es so vielen Menschen wie moeglich Zugang zu  qualitativ hochwertigem Cannabis zu gewaehren. Wir fuehlen uns dabei folgenden Grundsaetzen verpflichtet. 

1. Beste Produktqualitaet
2. Ausgewaehlte hochwertige Sorten
3. Hoechste Sicherheitsstandards in der Kommunikation
4. Hoechste Sicherheitsstandards beim Versenden
5. Beste fachspezifische Beratung
6. Bester Informationsaustausch in medizinischen Fragen
7. Aussergewoehnliches Preis/Leistungsverhaeltnis

Die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist uns wichtiger als ein kurzweiliger Profit.

Insbesondere bei medizinischen problemstellungen wird sich unser team immer darum bemuehen eine individualisierte medikation nach modernen gesichtspunkten der wissenschaft vorzuschlagen. 
Aber auch fuer den Freizeitgebrauch sind wir immer bereit individualisiert eine bestimmte Sorte von hoechster Qualitaet vorzuschlagen. Dabei koennen wir aufgrund unserer langjaehrigen Erfahrung sagen, dass viele Kunden selbst am besten urteilen koennen was gut fuer sie ist und was nicht.
Die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist der Massstab an dem wir gemessen werden moechten.

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