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king300shop (136)
Trust Level 2 Vendor Level 4
Sold 3 times since September, 20 2022
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country Australia
Quantity Left 5 Ships to Australia
Payment Escrow Category GHB

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 517.05 USD
3.2075041635 XMR



GBL - 250ML

GBL (Similar to BDO 1,4)
Watery like substance, unlike BDO 1,4 which is a thick liquid.
This product does not freeze.

Experienced users only.
Recommended dose - 1-2ml - Wait for the effects to come on, don't continue to up your dose.
3-4ml heavy dose.

We now ship EXPRESS to all states and territories
Tracking number can be provided if package has not arrived within 7 days.

If you are purchasing multiple DIFFERENT products please only select Express shipping on one product and select BUNDLE shipping on the additional products you purchase.
This way you wont be over paying for shipping.
(This is only needed if all products are going to the same shipping address.)

NOTE - BUNDLE shipping is for multiple DIFFERENT products, NOT multiple of the same product.

We might mark the order as shipped even though we might actually send it a day later or before. 
This is to prevent LE from trying to identify our delivery pattern.

Please include your correct name and address in the buyers notes in the following format.

123 Fake Street
ACT 2600

All our packages are well packed and use secure shipping methods to evade LE.
We guarantee your package will arrive untouched.

Your feedback is important to us.
If there is a need to open a dispute or leave negative feedback please PM us FIRST to attempt to resolve the issue as we are very responsive to PMs.
Otherwise please leave a review for each product you purchase.

If it is confirmed that your package is seized we will reship your package or provide a full refund.

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer
Positive 400 - 700 USD October 03, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 Disappointed. Three different people have tried at an 1-2ml as recommended by seller and dosed several times and theres just nothing there. Tried a higher dose at 4ml and again nothing much going on. It smells and tastes the business which is why it's so disappointing. Paying good cash for hopes and dreams is not fun. Won't be back.
Trust Level 2
Positive 400 - 700 USD September 14, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 Good product, fast shipping, good stealth. Definitely GBL - contrary to the feedback on the other listing, seems to be about 30-40% diluted only (vs 100% as stated by other buyer) which is not bad. 2.5mL gets me good vs 1.8 of pure GBL. Relative to the market that makes this good value. Haven't measured qty but looks accurate. Ordering another batch to confirm quality, will post feedback here, and if confirmed this should be the go-to listing. Much better than 1,4 B! Thanks vendor
Trust Level 1

Refund Policy

We have been a vendor on WHM and Dark0de, always had positive feedback.
We have always reshipped or provided a 100% refund everytime.
Our feedback on other markets would reflect this.

Community Forum Listing Discussion

Read more detailed reviews and interactions of the vendor with his customer base at our AlphaBay Forum. It is a great way to connect with active vendors and buyers alike, share your experiences or reviews, learn a new skill or have a laugh.

Private sub-communities with only verified users are also available for hacking, malware and fraud while the drugs community has their own set of categories to discuss substances and safety usage A-Z.

The more responsive and professional a vendor is on the Forum, the higher chance you will have a good experience with his/hers services and/or products.

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About Vendor shelldrugs

Here at King 300 Labs we have a couple key focus points for running a safe reliable business.
The first is of course the safety of our customers  we only provide safe anabolic steroid and testosterone products that have been tested and safely prepared.  
Dosage and product quality are closely monitored and production is quality tested.  
We realize to be the best online anabolic steroid supplier for the Australian market we must continue this vigorous approach to quality.  
You can count on pharmaceutical grade testosterone and anabolics from King 300 Labs.  
Get your gear today and see for yourself the incredible results.

We now ship EXPRESS to all states and territories
Tracking number can be provided if package has not arrived within 7 days.

If you are purchasing multiple DIFFERENT products please only select Express shipping on one product and select 'Bundle' shipping on the additional products you purchase.
This way you won't be over paying for shipping.
(This is only needed if all products are going to the same shipping address.)

NOTE - BUNDLE shipping is for multiple DIFFERENT products, NOT multiple of the same product.

We might mark the order as shipped even though we might actually send it a day later or before. 
This is to prevent LE from trying to identify our delivery pattern.

Please include your correct name and address in the buyers notes in the following format.

123 Fake Street
ACT 2600

All our packages are well packed and use secure shipping methods to evade LE.
We guarantee your package will arrive untouched.

Your feedback is important to us.
If there is a need to open a dispute or leave negative feedback please PM us FIRST to attempt to resolve the issue as we are very responsive to PMs.
Otherwise please leave a review for each product you purchase.

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Professional Drug Checkers is AlphaBays own proactive harm reduction program. Being the first of its kind through verified, anonymous and independent volunteers the program checks based on reports and/or at random vendor listings. We verify both through reagent test kits and laboratories, available information on both can be found in the relevant reviews below.

While we take into consideration claims of purity, chemicals used and other things like e.g. carts being counterfeit or not, the main focus is correct labelling particularly for fentanyl and analogues. As such that is the biggest potential hazard to buyers safety and as a marketplace we strongly believe all vendors must clearly label if their products contain any of it.

AlphaBay is the premium number one darknet marketplace and part of our philosphy to stay that way is focusing on repeat long-term business, a key point is effective harm reduction. If you would like to join head out to our Forums to apply to be a professional drug checker and help out your community.

Note: None of the reviews are endorsements in any way and we are not to be held responsible for any discrepencies or errors. Always do your own research and due diligence.

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