70mg Capsules - Pregabalin ( Generic Lyrica ) Bulk Discounts Available

Purchase Listing

Scroll down for product details, feedback & refund policy.

loveandhate (140)
Trust Level 3 Vendor Level 4
Sold 0 times since December, 8 2021
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country United States
Quantity Left Unlimited Ships to United States
Payment Escrow Category Prescription Items

To-From pcs To-From Price Discount
50 - 99 123 - 243.54 USD-23.35%
100 - 149 246 - 366.54 USD-41.02%
150 - 199 369 - 489.54 USD-47.70%
200 - 299 492 - 735.54 USD-51.35%
300 - 399 738 - 981.54 USD-54.09%
400 - 499 984 - 1227.54 USD-55.84%
500 - 999 1230 - 2457.54 USD-56.64%
1000 - 99999 2460 - 245997.54 USD-57.00%

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 2.46 USD
0.0152889984 XMR


70mg Capsules - Pregabalin ( Generic Lyrica ) Bulk Discounts Available


70mg Capsules - Pregabalin - Generic Lyrica
-Each quantity of 1 equals 1 capsule.  If you order 50, you will receive 50 capsules.  If you order a quantity of 37, you will receive 37 capsules ect..

General uses for pregabalin (generic Lyrica):
-Anxiety relief
-General pain relief related to nerve injury.  Related to diabetes, shingles, spinal cord injury and other causes.
-General analgesic pain relief
-Aid in opiate withdraw symptoms (described as 90%+ symptom relief)
-Aid in tapering/quitting Suboxone

These capsules are made from the same raw powder active ingredient that we have received a ton of positive feedback on.  #5 gelatin capsules with 65 to 75 mg of pregabalin and 65 to 75mg of sucrose per capsule.

Darkode:  loveandhatedark     
AlphaBay:  loveandhate
Bohemia: loveandhate (coming soon)

We have over 1,000 positive feedback comments over all of our accounts.  We use the same PGP key on all markets if you want to search us on Recon.  You should always verify the PGP key is the same before ordering from the same vendor on a different market.

If someone claims to work for us, at least use our PGP key to communicate with them.  We only have 1 PGP public key and it has never changed!

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer

Refund Policy

If the pack is not delivered, we will send a full replacement.  If the replacement shipment runs into trouble I have to assume its a problem on your end.

If the pack shows returned to sender or forwarded, those are considered delivered.

Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis.

Community Forum Listing Discussion

Read more detailed reviews and interactions of the vendor with his customer base at our AlphaBay Forum. It is a great way to connect with active vendors and buyers alike, share your experiences or reviews, learn a new skill or have a laugh.

Private sub-communities with only verified users are also available for hacking, malware and fraud while the drugs community has their own set of categories to discuss substances and safety usage A-Z.

The more responsive and professional a vendor is on the Forum, the higher chance you will have a good experience with his/hers services and/or products.

Go to Forum Discussion

About Vendor shelldrugs

Alpha Bay:  In addition to leaving feedback, please consider hitting the trust button when leaving feedback.  If you feel we have earned less than 5 stars on any specific categories, either send me a message or put in the feedback comment specifically how we can earn that 5th star next time.  Indiscriminately leaving 4 stars just because you felt like it that day are the type of people I would rather not deal with.

Stealth is how well the outside of the package blends in with other USPS mail.  Does it look like just a normal package from the outside?  Is there a return address?  No obvious stains or leaking contents?  Nothing else that would make a USPS worker look into the package further?  With some products this means the package does not smell like the best ganja money can buy.   People often mistake stealth as decoy but they are not the same.

Decoy is how well the product is disguised should the outer package be opened, damaged, or stolen during transit.  Are there multiple layers within the package?  Is the product within a sealed layer that cannot be seen through?  Would someone instantly recognize the package as containing an illegal product or are they going to throw it away because they think its some boring crap that everyone sends through the mail?  Did the seller make an effort to disguise the product as something else?  This is decoy.  

Just my contribution to the dnm community.  The more you know...

On to the boring rules and other crap...

I can only accept Monero at this point. 

I have to limit the amount of escrow sales within any market.  If you do not see us here we are on many other markets too.  If you can see our listings they are available to purchase and your order will be accepted.

I will place our store on vacation mode on this market if escrow reaches
3000 USD
25 orders

We use the  same public username for all of the markets we are currently on.  If you do not see our listings that is because the max escrow has been hit and the store is on a temporary vacation mode.  If you do see our listings than its good to go on buying.

Over 2,000 satisfied customers!

Market Exit Scam Risk

If I have accepted your order it will be sent.  Even if the market exits before the package is dropped.  It will be sent anyway.  This is my risk.

If your order is not yet accepted and the market exits, this is your risk.  In the very rare case that this does happen, I cannot send packages or refund funds if I did not see your order at any point.

We share in the risk.  I think its at least fair to us both.  I log in Monday through Friday like it is my job.  Weekends and holidays I log in because I enjoy what I do.  We all know that every market eventually goes down or away and it makes sense to believe this will continue into the future.  Place orders accordingly.  

Shipping Policies 

Use standard formatting for your shipping address and name.  aka: like you see on your incoming mail.

We are now allowing some of our products to be ordered from outside of the USA.  For now this is for powders only, no capsules.  If you choose a shipping option that does not include tracking, no reship or refund will be offered if the package is lost.  

HANDLING TIME:  This will be random.  The max is 5 days after your order time.  Most orders are shipped within 2 days and sometimes same day.   The package dropper must drive far and needs to consolidate the drops some on slower days.

I can not provide tracking.   I have my reasons.  Sometimes exceptions will be made if it has been at least 10 days since your order time or as needed in disputes.  Get Informed Delivery if this is important to your situation.

No refunds, exchanges, or returns accepted for any reason after the order is marked shipped.  

Packages may be sent from different areas of the country.  
Any problems?  Not completely satisfied?  Please message me now and dont worry, you are not bugging me.


We do include samples in some orders.  We cant put the full name of the product on the sample without breaking our decoy used.  Return customers are more likely to receive samples but it is random according to the inventory we have on hand.

Sample V - Viagra
Sample C - Cialis
Sample P - Proglumide
Extra - extra of what you ordered

The following samples are not normally sent because the drug requires knowledge of the therapeutic dosage otherwise the patient may become violently ill:

Sample L - Pregabalin 
Sample M Memantine 
Sample 4P - 4-methylpregabalin 

Most orders are sent heavy.  Usually 10 to 20 percent extra.  Capsule orders are almost always sent with extras.

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Independent reviews by Professional Drug Checkers

Professional Drug Checkers is AlphaBays own proactive harm reduction program. Being the first of its kind through verified, anonymous and independent volunteers the program checks based on reports and/or at random vendor listings. We verify both through reagent test kits and laboratories, available information on both can be found in the relevant reviews below.

While we take into consideration claims of purity, chemicals used and other things like e.g. carts being counterfeit or not, the main focus is correct labelling particularly for fentanyl and analogues. As such that is the biggest potential hazard to buyers safety and as a marketplace we strongly believe all vendors must clearly label if their products contain any of it.

AlphaBay is the premium number one darknet marketplace and part of our philosphy to stay that way is focusing on repeat long-term business, a key point is effective harm reduction. If you would like to join head out to our Forums to apply to be a professional drug checker and help out your community.

Note: None of the reviews are endorsements in any way and we are not to be held responsible for any discrepencies or errors. Always do your own research and due diligence.

Listing Title: 120mg Capsules - Pregabalin ( Generic Lyrica ) Bulk Available See Our Feedback Before Buying Others
Reagent Test Rating (0 means not available or poor, refer to other stats): 5/5
Laboratory Reference (if available): Hidden
Product/Service Safety: 5.00/5
Product/Service as Advertised: 4.50/5
Delivery Speed: 4.25/5
Overall Experience: 5.00/5

Comments: Very friendly and gave a sample of a different product. One of the smoothest vendors I ever dealt with.

Listing Title: 180mg Capsules - Pregabalin ( Generic Lyrica ) Bulk Discounts Available
Reagent Test Rating (0 means not available or poor, refer to other stats): 5/5
Laboratory Reference (if available): Hidden
Product/Service Safety: 5.00/5
Product/Service as Advertised: 4.50/5
Delivery Speed: 4.25/5
Overall Experience: 5.00/5

Comments: Very friendly and gave a sample of a different product. One of the smoothest vendors I ever dealt with.

Listing Title: 70mg Capsules - Pregabalin ( Generic Lyrica ) Bulk Discounts Available
Reagent Test Rating (0 means not available or poor, refer to other stats): 5/5
Laboratory Reference (if available): Hidden
Product/Service Safety: 5.00/5
Product/Service as Advertised: 4.50/5
Delivery Speed: 4.25/5
Overall Experience: 5.00/5

Comments: Very friendly and gave a sample of a different product. One of the smoothest vendors I ever dealt with.