SAMPLE! 0.5g High Quality Cocaine - SAFE DELIVERY

Purchase Listing

Scroll down for product details, feedback & refund policy.

mrsafe (49)
Trust Level 1 Trust Level 1
Sold 0 times since July, 31 2022
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country Netherlands
Quantity Left Unlimited Ships to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Europe, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Swed
Payment Escrow Category Cocaine

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 29.16 USD
0.186564222 XMR


SAMPLE! 0.5g High Quality Cocaine - SAFE DELIVERY

Very strong cocaine. Strongest and cleanest quality on the market!

This quality will blow your brains out! 

Produced by our experienced Dutch chemists.

Made from ephidrine!  

We always add a little more so the weight will always be correct.


How WE do That ???

* We only sell in retail, max 25 grams per order.
  If you want more we will ship it in multiple packages.
* We use the best STEALTH adjusted to retail orders, NOBODY will even think there can be drugs inside.
* We do NOT use track and trace. We think this is to much of a risk for both of us (also not nessacary for small orders).
* All bags are vacuum sealed with a professional industrial vacuum machine. 
* We use a second heatseal mbb foil to hide all smells untill you open it.
* After every packing step all materials are alcohol cleaned.
* We test every package for leaks (under water) to make sure it is, and will stay perfectly closed.
* We ONLY ship to EUROPE because we have a 95% succesrate from NL.

WE already KNOW this is the ONLY way we can get packages delivered over and over again.

Now its time you will see it too!

If you have any questions about this listing please contact us.

ALWAYS USE PGP FOR ALL COMMUNICATIONS WITH US! if you can not please do not contact us.

Stay SAFE!,


Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer

Refund Policy

If you are a regular customer from us and we see you are trustable, we always will ship 100% of your order again.
If you are a first time customer we will reship 50%. 
Refunds are also possible however we prefer to get you package delivered.
Its always BEST if you provide us with a brand new clean address when we reship.
If you can not then maybe its smarter to take a 50% refund.

Please understand we are NOT here to SCAM anybody so PLEASE contact us in time if you did not receive your package.
Also make sure it will not autofinalize because we can not do much after that.

NEVER give us a BAD FEEDBACK if you did not contact us before!!
We want the best for you, and also we must know if a order is not received.
We aim for safety so maybe we can improve something to be better next time!
You can give us bad feedback if we have sent you a crappy product or we dont answer you within a couple days.

Community Forum Listing Discussion

Read more detailed reviews and interactions of the vendor with his customer base at our AlphaBay Forum. It is a great way to connect with active vendors and buyers alike, share your experiences or reviews, learn a new skill or have a laugh.

Private sub-communities with only verified users are also available for hacking, malware and fraud while the drugs community has their own set of categories to discuss substances and safety usage A-Z.

The more responsive and professional a vendor is on the Forum, the higher chance you will have a good experience with his/hers services and/or products.

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About Vendor shelldrugs


Please for YOUR safety read our full profile page!

WE ARE Mr.Safe,

How WE do That ???

* We only sell in retail, max 25 grams per order.
  If you want more we will ship it in multiple packages.
* We use the best STEALTH adjusted to retail orders, NOBODY will even think there can be drugs inside.
* We do NOT use track and trace. We think this is to much of a risk for both of us (also not nessacary for small orders).
* All bags are vacuum sealed with a professional industrial vacuum machine. 
* We use a second heatseal mbb foil to hide all smells untill you open it.
* After every packing step all materials are alcohol cleaned.
* We test every package for leaks (under water) to make sure it is, and will stay perfectly closed.
* We ONLY ship to EUROPE because we have a 95% succesrate from NL.

WE already KNOW this is the ONLY way we can get packages delivered over and over again.

Now its time you will see it too!


The only way we get packages safely delivered is when all communications between us are secret.
Nobody can know any details, as we can't trust anybody!


We advice you to use a RSA 4096 bits keys for best secuirity. (you can find it in advanced key settings)

If you don't know how to create a pgp key please do not order from us or ask us any questions.

You are not ready to be here its not SAFE!

The only reply you will get will be "Please use pgp for all communications".

NEVER use WINDOWS when you visit any darknetmarket.
We advice you to use TAILS, can be used on every computer(also WINDOWS). 
Just google TAILS and you will figure it out, its not that hard.
Offcourse any other privacy systems like whonix or qubes will also do the trick.

Shipping times.

We ship fast but excactly when we are not gonna tell you.(For Safety Reasons)
When we marked it shipped it will be sent as soon as possible within the next days.
We need time to prepaire your order for shipping and that takes some time if you want it perfect and safely delivered.

We are not the cheapest vendor here, being safer then others cost some money!

With the amounts and product we ship we have gathered a 95% succesrate on Europe, and 100% on domestic orders.

No over and over messaging your vendor anymore, as with us you will get it delivered without any worries.

Refunds and reship.

Our Shipments can take up to 14 Days to arrive!
Most of the times you will have it much faster.

Please do not contact us before the 14 days are past, you will get it please be patients.

After 14 days (always extend autofinalize):

If you are a regular customer and we see you are trustable, we always ship 100% of your order again.
Probably its lost, it can happen in rare cases.

If you are a new customer we will reship 50%. 
We have a 95% successrate, chance your first shiment will not arrive is very rare.

Refunds are also possible however we prefer to get you package delivered.(95% successrate)
Its always BEST if you provide us with a brand new clean address when we reship.
If you can not then maybe its smarter to take a 50% refund.

Please understand we are NOT here to SCAM anybody so PLEASE contact us in time if you did not receive your package.
Also make sure it will not autofinalize because we can not do a lot after that.

NEVER give us a BAD FEEDBACK if you did not contact us before!!
We want the best for you, and also we like to know about any problems so we can tackle them in the future.
You can give us bad feedback if we have sent you a crappy product or we dont answer you within a couple days.

Thats all for now folks, thanks for reading, now please take a look at our shop and enjoy our products and always...use them SAFELY!

Stay Safe!,


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Independent reviews by Professional Drug Checkers

Professional Drug Checkers is AlphaBays own proactive harm reduction program. Being the first of its kind through verified, anonymous and independent volunteers the program checks based on reports and/or at random vendor listings. We verify both through reagent test kits and laboratories, available information on both can be found in the relevant reviews below.

While we take into consideration claims of purity, chemicals used and other things like e.g. carts being counterfeit or not, the main focus is correct labelling particularly for fentanyl and analogues. As such that is the biggest potential hazard to buyers safety and as a marketplace we strongly believe all vendors must clearly label if their products contain any of it.

AlphaBay is the premium number one darknet marketplace and part of our philosphy to stay that way is focusing on repeat long-term business, a key point is effective harm reduction. If you would like to join head out to our Forums to apply to be a professional drug checker and help out your community.

Note: None of the reviews are endorsements in any way and we are not to be held responsible for any discrepencies or errors. Always do your own research and due diligence.

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