25x Diazepam 10Mg Blue Valium Roche Original UK-UK

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thejamesocean (0)
Trust Level 1 Trust Level 1
Sold 0 times since April, 4 2022
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country United Kingdom
Quantity Left 9999 Ships to Worldwide
Payment Escrow Category Pills Benzos

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 32.79 USD
0.2111397285 XMR


25x Diazepam 10Mg Blue Valium Roche Original UK-UK

- Roche Pharmaceutical grade Valium

- 10Mg Diazepam Blue pill / Roche - BreakLine

- Shipped in Secure packaging and Premium Class Stealth !

- Check our Policy before to Order !

- We only sell uncut, high quality lab tested drugs.

- If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

- A nice review after using the product is appreciated.

- Please send us a message if you are unhappy about something.

- Please finalize the order after receiving it.

Diazepam is mainly used to treat anxiety, insomnia,
panic attacks and symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal.
It is also used as a premedication for inducing sedation, anxiolysis,
In 2020, it was approved for use to interrupt seizure activity in people with epilepsy.
Diazepam is the drug of choice for treating benzodiazepine dependence with its long half-life allowing easier dose reduction.
Benzodiazepines have a relatively low toxicity in overdose.

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer

Refund Policy

Refund/Reship Only For Our Trusted/Returning Customers.

Dealt On Case To Case At Our Discretion

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The more responsive and professional a vendor is on the Forum, the higher chance you will have a good experience with his/hers services and/or products.

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About Vendor shelldrugs



We are James Oceans's Team, a large dedicated Team from UK, Spain, Portugal and NL 
We intend to provide the best service with the same successful concept Fast response high quality and LabTested drugs combined with an extremely discreet and same day shipping
We want to have a strong and fair relationship with our customers. No matter what the problem may be we will solve it with a satisfying solution for you and that's our guarantee! 

In the Past under the same name : EmpireMarket - DeepSeaMarket - DarkMarket - WHITE HOUSE MARKET, TORREZ MARKET, Dark0de Market

Active accounts : ASAP Market, Versus Project, Alphabay Market

- UPDATE March 21 : Interntional orders are shipped from Spain, Spanish post system is very slow.
Most international orders takes around 5 weeks atm. can be more.
We are asking our buyer to extend AF untill they receive their goods instead of disputing it.
If order is marked shipped it has been shipped. For regular mail orders, we can always check other tracking sent around the same time to the same area to have a rough idea.
In short be patien. all orders has been sent, postal system is just being VERY slow.
Hope youre all well! 
JamesO Team

* If you have any complaints please contact us before leaving a review we will work something out. 
* If you want other products or higher quantities feel free to contact us we will look how we can help you.
* Please finalize promptly and release the ESCROW on day of arrival!
* A detailled review after using the product is appreciated. If you help us grow our shop by promoting/reviewing us on DREAD you will be rewarded with your next order!!!
* In the weekends we may be offline. 
* Please only message us when your product didn't arrive within 14 days in the UK - Spain to EU 20 days - Spain to WW 45 days 
* We are not ignoring missing order, we will not answer to all messages if we feel it could be time. Feel Free to contact us around time of landing then few days after. we will look into your case.
* We test all our product ouseleves : pictures on request of any of them.
* We communicate in English
* We encrypt and destroy the shipping date with our own powerfull file Shredder after order finalized so we can keep track in case of issue/dispute and accelerate the proccesus to fix it ASAP.
* Please Extend AF untill you receive your goods, once escrow released, we consider package delivered and we destoy all sensitive data. we eont be able to retrive track ID or adress it has been shipped to 
* We will not help you when you leave a bad review before messaging us first to find a solution
* Feel free to ask for advices as we sell only premium quality products testing has be done carefully to avoid any unwanted surprise :) PartySafePoeple!
* If the PGP Message with your address is not Encrypted with our PGP Key and we are unable to decrypt we will CANCEL your order! 
* Please DO NOT discuss our stealth in detail! We put alot of thought in our stealth and it sucks if people reveal it in their product review or on any open forum!


* We ship Worldwide to every country - but only small amount to certain countries. we will work it on case to case.
* We ship with double vacuum sealed mylar Xrayproof bags cleaned with Alcohol and anti dog spray.
* We use bubble wrap enveloppes and resistant material made decoy to prevent any damange due to transport
* We work with professional machines to ensure no traces are left on the orders!
* All shipments will fit through a regular sized mailbox (Except bulk)
* We using creative and mutliple layer of stealth for the best succes rate
* STEALTH IS OUR PRITORITY we put a lot of work in our stealth, domestic order are treated as international standards! Check Our reviews
* If you make multiple orders we try to put the order in one package. Unless requested
* Orders are sent out 5days a week last shipping is in the afternoon 14:00-15:00. Orders placed after will be shipped out the next morning!
* Tracked order are shipped 2 times a week
* Tracking on Request After 15 Days WW - 6 days EU
* Estimate shipping times: - UK 1-3 days* - West EU 3-6 days* -East EU 7-15 days* - - U.S. AUS INDIA Middle East 25 to 45 days* *Scandinavia 10-21 days Working days onces its shipped

  Please ONLY PGP ENCRYPTED adress- Do not use fake names - Do not use addresses when letters/packages got lost several times! - Wrong address = no refund or reship - You can use the address formatter with this link: www.bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats.htm
* Misspelled names / addresses are your own responsibility *
 Full name
 City and postal code / zip

 James Ocean
 OceanStreet 13
 34603  London

* 50% reship or 25% refund for returning trusted customers only
* Before leaving any negative feeback please send us a message with the title negative feedback  and we will ammend any issues ASAP. we are not ignoring anyone but sometimes things can be missed if you have left negative feedback please contact us so we can investigate any issues you may of had. Please be patient 
* For ALL Asian/African/Middle-East/South-American/Scandinavian countries and Switzerland NO REFUND
* IF we need to manual refund an order we will only do this in Monero (XMR).
* You can only request a refund/reship on the same account/market that the order was made. We can't help you when you got hacked/phished.
* We reship the whole order immediately when there is something wrong with package or product and you can prove it (for example send us a photo of crumbled pills). 
* A reship / refund is only possible min. 21 days after shipment date for Europe orders and 47 days for other countries.
* No Refund if PO Box - Hotel - Holiday rentals - Packstation or any rerouting system been used
* No refund if fake name been used and cant receive the package. 
* If there is proof that an order has been intercepted the customer will receive a 30% reship * A reship can only be used once - A new address must be used for a reship 


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*You can always contact us whenever you please whether it be an issue with your order or some information you would like to get (e.g. special offers). Feel free to this by direct message
In the weekends we also might not read or respond messages. Please be patient we will answer you! Spamming us with more messages only gets you message on top of the list which means you will need to wait longer for a response!

*When markets are down you can find us on Dreads Forum.
Make sure to follow us on Recon for updates!

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Independent reviews by Professional Drug Checkers

Professional Drug Checkers is AlphaBays own proactive harm reduction program. Being the first of its kind through verified, anonymous and independent volunteers the program checks based on reports and/or at random vendor listings. We verify both through reagent test kits and laboratories, available information on both can be found in the relevant reviews below.

While we take into consideration claims of purity, chemicals used and other things like e.g. carts being counterfeit or not, the main focus is correct labelling particularly for fentanyl and analogues. As such that is the biggest potential hazard to buyers safety and as a marketplace we strongly believe all vendors must clearly label if their products contain any of it.

AlphaBay is the premium number one darknet marketplace and part of our philosphy to stay that way is focusing on repeat long-term business, a key point is effective harm reduction. If you would like to join head out to our Forums to apply to be a professional drug checker and help out your community.

Note: None of the reviews are endorsements in any way and we are not to be held responsible for any discrepencies or errors. Always do your own research and due diligence.

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