10x LSD 220ug

Purchase Listing

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pldrug (51)
Trust Level 2 Trust Level 2
Sold 1 times since May, 21 2022
Features Features
Product Type Physical Origin Country Poland
Quantity Left Unlimited Ships to Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Payment Escrow Category LSD

Shipping/Extra Options:

Purchase Price: 42.25 USD
0.2718791725 XMR


10x LSD 220ug

220ug each piece of LSD blotters

Total Ratings for this Listing (1 - very bad, 5 excellent)

Stealth: 4.9/5
Quality: 4.81/5
Price for Value: 4.9/5

Note: "Ratings" table has the following ratings in consecutive order Stealth, Quality, Price for Value. Each rating is from 5 possible, where 1 is very bad and 5 is excellent.

Overall Amount Date Ratings Comment & Buyer Trust Level Buyer
Positive 35 - 70 USD June 03, 2022 5 | 5 | 5 My first order from this Vendor and i'm very happy with the result 10/10 everything, can recommend.
Trust Level 1

Refund Policy


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The more responsive and professional a vendor is on the Forum, the higher chance you will have a good experience with his/hers services and/or products.

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About Vendor shelldrugs

Hey this is PLDrug!
If you are looking for a solid supply of high quality products and professional service do not hesitate to order from us!

 Terms and Conditions

To avoid any misunderstandings please be aware of our rules before you place an order:
+ If you are going to ask me: can you ship today - you have to know that I reject your order and move you on the Black List.It s because of my safety-PLEASE RESPECT THAT.
+ All orders marked AS SHIPPED are have actually been SHIPPED
+ Estimated shipping times: domestic 2-7(sometimes max.12)days, EU 3-12(sometimes max20)days.
Before these deadlines please don t ask me about delivery
+ Customer must supply correctly formatted address and is responsible for dropping the order:
Name Surname
Street Address
Postal Code City
+ In no case we will mark or identify any shipments
+ All customer data will be deleted after the order has been marked as shipped
+ In case of any problems, please avoid bothering the support and contact us first to help you resolve your issued
+++ Placing an order you agree to all my terms +++
And please don t ask me about free samples and credit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have any question regarding our products, service or wish a custom listing please contact us any time.We will usually assist you within 24(sometimes 48)hours.

All shipments are packed odor free in clean environment.The outer package will look unsuspicious and won t make it possible to guess the illegal content.Further information cannot be supplied.

We are operating in English and Polish only!

Witam!Tu PLDrug
Na terenie Polski wszystkie zamowienia wysylane sa za posrednictwem inpost na paczkomaty.
W zamowieniu nalezy podac:
-kod paczkomatu
-adres email.Przy czym email nie moze byc w ZADNYM WYPADKU przypalowy w nazwie (typu:narkoman,koks,hera,itd.posiadajacy podobne nazwy kojarzace sie z dragami albo czynnosciami zakazanymi) i na domenie ktore sa pod obstrzalem i zwracaja niepotrzebnie uwage: protonmail , tutanota ,secmail i tym podobne
Kazde niezastosowanie sie do wskazowek bedzie skutkowalo odrzuceniem zamowienia a w niektorych przypadkach nawet banem.
-numer telefonu - nie jest konieczny.Moge podac losowy,wymyslony przez siebie.Kod odbioru i tak przyjdzie na podany przez Ciebie adres mailowy a wiec do Ciebie nalezy wybor czy podasz numer.
-List/paczka po dostarczeniu przez kuriera do paczkomatu lezy w nim 48h.Jezeli podczas tych 48h nie odbierzesz swojego zamowienia to zostaje automatycznie odeslane do fikcyjnego nadawcy i przepada,na co nie mam wplywu i za co NIE ODPOWIADAM poniewaz to Ty nie wywiazales sie i nie odebrales zamowienia.Nie dostajesz wtedy zadnego zwrotu pieniedzy co akceptujesz skladajac zamowienie
-Zwrot pieniedzy albo powtorna wysylka nalezy sie tylko w przypadku kiedy zamowienie nie trafilo z jakiejs przyczyny do paczkomatu, nawet jesli sie zagubilo(kurier gdzies zagubil w transporcie) to poczuwam sie do pelnej odpowiedzialnosci za to
-Nie wysylam za posrednictwem poczty czy kuriera.Kurier jest tylko dostepny dla zamowien na terenie Unii Europejskiej
-Nie robie custom listingow
-Nie wysylam probek
-Nie wysylam nic za darmo
-Nie sprowadzam nic na zamowienie chociaz mozesz zapytac, probuj , jesli nie odpisze to znaczy ze nie moge:)
-Dostepne jest tylko to co widzisz w ofercie
Zapraszam do zamawiania!

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While we take into consideration claims of purity, chemicals used and other things like e.g. carts being counterfeit or not, the main focus is correct labelling particularly for fentanyl and analogues. As such that is the biggest potential hazard to buyers safety and as a marketplace we strongly believe all vendors must clearly label if their products contain any of it.

AlphaBay is the premium number one darknet marketplace and part of our philosphy to stay that way is focusing on repeat long-term business, a key point is effective harm reduction. If you would like to join head out to our Forums to apply to be a professional drug checker and help out your community.

Note: None of the reviews are endorsements in any way and we are not to be held responsible for any discrepencies or errors. Always do your own research and due diligence.

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